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Home Fashion, 33x33cm, 20 pcs/pack
Home Fashion, 40x33cm, 20 pcs/pack
Home Fashion, 40x40cm, 20 pcs/pack
HRC Napkins 2-3-PLY 25 cm, White and Design (Red, Magenta, Orange, Blue, Green, Yellow, Violet, Pink, Black, White and combinations of these colors)
HRC Napkins 2-3-PLY 33 cm, White and Design (Red, Magenta, Orange, Blue, Green, Yellow, Violet, Pink, Black, White and combinations of these colors)
HRC Napkins 2-3-PLY 40 cm, White and Design (Red, Magenta, Orange, Blue, Green, Yellow, Violet, Pink, Black, White and combinations of these colors)
Huhtamaki, 3-ply Tissue, 25x25, 33x33 cm, 20 pcs/pack
INSPIRASJON FORLAG AS NAPKINS 3-PLY 25 cm, White and Design (Red, Magenta, Orange, Blue, Green, Yellow, Violet, Pink, Black, White and combinations of these colors)
INSPIRASJON FORLAG AS NAPKINS 3-PLY 33 cm, White and Design (Red, Magenta, Orange, Blue, Green, Yellow, Violet, Pink, Black, White and combinations of these colors)
INSPIRASJON FORLAG AS NAPKINS 3-PLY 40 cm, White and Design (Red, Magenta, Orange, Blue, Green, Yellow, Violet, Pink, Black, White and combinations of these colors)
Katrin Resta M 2 white
Kokliko paper napkins, different design and colours, 2-ply, 25x25 cm
Kokliko paper napkins, different design and colours, 2-ply, 33x33 cm
Kokliko paper napkins, different design and colours, 2-ply, 40x40 cm
Kokliko paper napkins, different design and colours, 3-ply, 25x25 cm
Kokliko paper napkins, different design and colours, 3-ply, 33x33 cm
Kokliko paper napkins, different design and colours, 3-ply, 40x40 cm
Kokliko paper napkins, white, 2-ply, 25x25 cm
Kokliko paper napkins, white, 2-ply, 33x33 cm
Kokliko paper napkins, white, 2-ply, 40x40 cm
Kokliko paper napkins, white, 3-ply, 25x25 cm
Kokliko paper napkins, white, 3-ply, 33x33 cm
Kokliko paper napkins, white, 3-ply, 40x40 cm
Lambi Dining