The Nordic Swan Ecolabel
The Nordic Swan Ecolabel, introduced by the Nordic Council of Ministers, is the official ecolabel of the Nordic countries. The vision of the Nordic Swan Ecolabel is a sustainable society, in which future generations can benefit from the same conditions and opportunities as we ourselves do.
An important step towards this vision is for us all, with the help of ecolabelling, to choose the most environmentally-friendly products.
The Swan logo demonstrates that a product is a good environmental choice. The green symbol is available for around 60 product groups for which it is felt that ecolabelling is needed and will be beneficial. These days, everything from washing-up liquid to furniture and hotels can carry the Swan label. Save the world a little bit every day
Independent and always improving
The Nordic Swan Ecolabel checks that products fulfill certain criteria using methods such as samples from independent laboratories, certificates and control visits.
The label is usually valid for three to five years, after which the criteria are revised and the company must reapply for a license. In this way, we ensure that products better suited to the environment are constantly being developed.
The fees
The fees vary depending on the product group. The fees are harmonised and are similar in all Nordic countries. You can find the fees for different product groups on our Nordic web site. Paper, pulp and printing fees can be found on our Nordic site. There you can also find our criteria documents.
More info for applicants
Contact information
Ecolabelling Finland
Tel: +358 9 6122 5000
Email: joutsen@ecolabel.fi